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domingo, 26 de março de 2017

How Long Maybe a Tarot Reading?

Amazing Climatic Changes.....
Photo by: Teresa - Portugal

How Long Maybe a Tarot Reading?

"When you are after replies to your doubts, or exploring the misteries to get more knowledge there's not such thing as so big or so small.

All that matters when you got what you needed and not just what you wanted at start."

I got a new record in a tarot reading: lots of pages of text.
Often I add pictures of the cards I’m reading, but this time my camera is broken. And was not a case to copy the same cards images from somewhere else as I did when the client will be able to get more ideas or information from the images.
This was just a Standard type reading, without commenting the numerology related aspects that would add a lot more. Even so, at some part I did a minor citation about in case the person may want to learn more about himself.
Usually I try to be at 10 pages range in a standard reading. Some resulted at 15-18 pages and was a lot until now in my way of working. But this was really big.

Road To Paradise
Digital Art Photo by Nikola Petreski - Macedonia

Each person is different.

This case was even something simple when I took the initial One Main card. I have an option for such reading. The problem become when I start to comment that and explore in detail the aspects.
The matter was even a normal life question, but the client was on need to understand more the aspects, and this is what I’m working for, not just a reply, but add information to the client understand and be able to walk by himself.
This is why I say my work is first for guidance.
Even when the reading is for explore about some work on magic, I have to explain why and what I’m think is possible to do. There’s things people can do by themselves while at other times, I found is correct to explain what is I’m suggesting to work and why and how that will be related for going after for a result.
Just to remember, nobody can assure guarantee results in magic and this is clear stated and explained at the “Readings and workings” page.
Would be easy to me just say… “oh yes, this is so and so and I suggest this or that”.
But no.

See, I’m working alone, far away from the client. This is not a live talking to ask questions or get more information. I’m just working with my own vision plus the Tarot or any other oracle I found suitable to someone anywhere in the world. The same way I need to trust on my guts I found needed to explain what I’m seeing the better way.
And I can’t got quiet when I’m talking with a client, or as usuall, I’m just writing to someone really far away (99,99% most of my clients live far and at other countries). So as my main work is guidance and I’m seeing there’s information the person does not get by himself or have a need to learn more about what I’m talking.
By learning, I say I will try to teach and suggest personal aspects to observe and how to deal with that, areas to explore and study in life. A reason any magic work is under my discretion.

Another simple reason, is my work is not cheap, so I’m not just adding words to make the proposal to be “nice”, but because there’s the need to understand a bit more about what we do and why some works goes easy from hundreds to many thousand dollars value. Such works are not just golden pills to use and when suggested, some may result even in a long working time from myself and even risks evolved, for example, if someone ask me to enter in a kind of war due some reason in their interest this may result in some kind of backfire I have to be prepared to deal. And some works means just years, in a step by step practice.

A really long Tarot reading.That may happens.
So the size of a reading is to present the best I can, and also because I don't bill just for some specific ritual, but for a goal for each one suggested. Sometimes a ritual will lead to another, may need to be repeated for a time, add more others, etc. Talking about the learning path, is always a good practice to ask to the spirits I'm calling what's their suggestion or even they do by themselves, so I have to move to another area and usually that is by me only.  For sure I always notify my clients the possibility for billing for something more when and only I found (and clear explain why) such thing will be really out of any previous measures. Until today, never needed such thing BUT I need to notify the possibility and at same time, I'm very glad and give thanks at some very extreme cases when my older clients offered by themselves additional values like a big gift as they recognizes all the additional works done.

The size of a reading for sure is not all. It’s the contents that matters.
A funny aspect, is when I'm doing revisions of the text trying to make it short, and the result is to add even more material. LOL...

As a personal example, sometimes I paid for readings to myself, as I like to have another opinions and so I received formal readings from people I respect a lot, Many was like some phrases and others also was a bit large. But that was all Ok too as they knew who I was and didn’t need so much explaining.
To repeat, I like to have another opinions. I’m not at some magic forums just to cheap talk or teaching others, but to listen and learn with many people I respect a lot. So I often check what I’m doing, use different oracles and ask for opinions. This is just because I’m human like your, and no matter I have near zero faults at readings for more than two decades, does not means I see all and does not means my opinion and experience was the better, but I'm sure about what I have seen.
Someday I expect to find something I really don’t know how to deal and need to learn and I’m humble to say this: someday I will be wrong too, it’s part of our spiritual and magic learning too.
I got cheated too many times mainly due my compassion, a hard learning under tears and blood.

When I dream of fairytales
Art by Elisabeth Zartl - Austria
By other side, we see readings so much generic, even in the right way, but lacking more information. Not a public critic, just an opinion and with respect to the ones who are able to present very short and precise replies. I just need to talk a lot sometimes and the same way, I see people also deserve more comments accordingly their experience.
For sure, in a normal reading, I don’t need to add all such material, just I like to do and when I can to make it for guidance, I do it.
May be with time I will learn to write more using less words or just make my work so specific so people don’t need so much talking.

I stopped to do live readings a long time ago, this still is a possibility for something like a local “day of readings” when someone hire me to do something like 8-10 readings in a day, one each hour or less. I had in the past 30 minutes readings for an entire day too. It’s very interesting. as I did it in the past, and is a matter of someone prepare a group, care of all expenses and the needed proper place. Usually that are nice spiritual times too as I need to opens up myself for a lot of people, including public talk for a group.

When I talk live, I really talk fast, and this is what I write in a normal reading. This one so big I’m citing at the top of this article is near the same as talking near two hours with someone who I was in need for that and the final text is a resume of that.
For sure, I edit and review my texts to shorten it as cited and too often I add more! 
But for live readings, I found 30-40 minutes use to be the needed for a reading. I can talk even just some 5 minutes at the Extreme Method and present all needed info. Each case is different for sure. Sometimes I will talk 20-30 minutes just about one card or in a brief about the personal numerology.
So when I start writing and expanding what I see to put all that ideas into words, the results may become even such big writings.

Something important to note, because the title of this article, and for sure of interest to anyone doing readings, live or not, and is a common problem with some people who does not respect professional work. I'm talking about a personal reading. Be a live talk or by e-mail as I do. The problem is some people just try abuse and want to ask about everyone in the family, relatives, friends, their company busines and etc. For sure your relationship or if the reading is about your job that is Ok. But add more specific to make a favor to others no. That is always abusive. If you go to a doctor, you pay for each one the doctor will look for. Ok? A formal reading is the same. Many readers are abused this way and that is a shame.

To add some information about the way I do my readings. And how I work to people at any place in the world. (I live in the south of Brazil so get the idea) To be clear, the last personal reading I remember was some 3 years ago for a closer friend. For sure I'm not the only doing this.  
First I'm on my own vision at start. When someone ask a reading I will see the person question or life with my own inner vision. This is personal and very related to my experience in life. Also a reason at forums I reply to someone and cite I'm under my vision. Be sure I don't use any oracles for that.
The same reason I say nobody is invisible at magic. Be a normal person or someone using a nickname in a forum. Always there's a connection to the one who posted a comment.
Second, despite my vision, and to remember I say I'm not perfect, I will call the oracle, the Tarot (or Runes, I-Ching, etc) and also call for the spirits vision too.
Third, I always evoke other spirits to work with. That start with the angels/deities related to the area, plus the client guardian angel (is always neeeded to ask persmission to enter at the person's world). And as needed, any other angels/spirits/daemons related to the question. All they will add information about the questions.
And for sure, all this add to my own vision for sure and I have to measure that.

The most important is to present the needed reply and when I can add information to the client think about, learn as possible and receive suggestions for their lives become better and with knowledge about what’s happening and coming at their personal path.




Leia também: 

Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


domingo, 29 de maio de 2016

Cybermagick Need Intent

Maybe in a soon future, we'll see the popular "Cyber Love Spell"?
Art: Cyber Girl

Artist:Ayya Saparniyazova - Turkmenistan

Cybermagick Need Intent

Alex Sumner in a recent article commented about Cybermagick: Let’s Do Cyber!
So there I was, lying awake at night, tortured by that most exquisite of agonies – “what the hell is Cybermagick?” And more to the point, what is the real difference between cybermagick and any other type of magick?

It’s a very interesting work, and I will try to do some adding my comments.
We still lack of a proper definition of what Cybermagick really means.
Technomagick? EletronicMagick?
Cyber means something “…relating to, or involving computers or computer networks (as the Internet)…” Source: The Merriam Webster Dictionary.   

So for now, I will follow with my personal idea:  
“Cybermagick as related to using computers to do magic(k)”. 
See this is in no ways related to the many magick areas nor religions practices, Grimoires, CM, Witchcraft, Chaos, ATRs, Candles, etc.
I think Cybermagick still is a bit far to become more than an idea to start for some usefull developments.

Art: The Matrix
by Daniel Prichard -Canada
For now, all that is just data source for information and the cyber level, including internet, is really very basic on that. The way data (information), images, sounds, etc. is registered still use a method of translating that into "bits", just eletric energy alternating from 0 to 1 using a media like a hard-drive, pendrive, memory chips, etc. Multiply this by billions, billions, and all you will see is a giant big mess of 0s and 1s mixed. That famous image of data moving in the movie “Matrix” is really just poetic. That need a program (software), developed by humans to all that make sense and to execute something using that as grouped “patterns”.
And shit, please, we got bored at the most extreme point about newbies promoting debates about Matrix idea. Go back to Narnia and Harry Potter and 1001 Nights. That still is more advanced! IMHO for sure. 
Forget the high velocity of modern computers, which still are the same very basic systems used first in the past to control textile machinery. Just faster. I’m very serious about this. Go study.
I have worked developing software since the 70s and in magic/spiritual study and practice near same time. Therefore, I use to say I have a personal interest in the Human X Computer development and is interesting how many a company and human kind is related to that.
In addition, we are faraway of what the Star Trek's computer was able to do, like to process an entire solar system data in seconds and present information like "that are a planet M-class with current civilization level". But think for a second and that still is just a machine processing data. Yes, even Star Trek computer does not do magick, and even with our beloved Mr. Spock with all his Vulcan Mind Power capabilities working on it. Just to remember, Vulcans was great at mind control, a kind of magick too in someway.  

Art: Parabolic Vehicle ofConception
by Adam Scott Miller - United States
So, as cited, what the difference for the Akashic Records? My personal experience going there is: the Akasha Records register everything, at all areas and realms. For some people, myself included, entering there appears you have entered in a kind of fog place, with partial symbols floating everywhere. This is why is good to have a target to go there, and this is the "key" to find what you want. Sometime one of that symbols may appear more clear and you "get it", like a door and enter in a complete scenario. Time, events, people, thoughts, everything is registered there. You may see events and be able to get the thoughts of each people there.
Computers are really far away from this.
Even the images you see at your computer screen are not the same as a drawing done with pencil and paper. This is why many people try to put seals in their computers and that works different. When it works. 
In practice, what is working there is mind and the magician intent. Not the computer. It’s the same to visualize a seal image, but without a drawing. The computer image in no ways can be seen as a valid drawn today. It may help you to remember how the image is, but it is not the true drawn seal.
In my personal opinion, this happens because the draw at the paper have already your intent registered. It became a tool used with energy to register the information of an intent! To magick, your pencil is a more powerful tool than any tablet.  
But the computer image, even if you put your own energy and have done it using some kind of paint software, still is a mess of 0s and 1s. To have a better idea, just look closer the screen, better if you use a magnifying glass. You will see the same at a TV screen: a lot of light dots. That is not a draw in the magic(k) point of view! Its just a lot of electric points.
Get this? You can see an image at the computer, but that still is not information.
So, sorry to my university teachers and IT colleagues, it is not really information. That data is something that "appears to be" information.
But to magickal use, information must be a whole think by itself.
This is what Cybermagick will last to happens for a time. I have my ideas about what human kind need to learn before reach that. For example, our civilization technology started with the wheel and the levers. Even software still use such concepts. That is the problem. This may evolve to the next level. But let’s keep so for now.
As I see, what we have working today, using “cyber technology” and there are some good examples, are one and other good oracle software and websites. But what really work there? The intent of the reader. Get this? A bad reader with the best of all oracle tools will not get a decent result. So, there are no cyber way to do the same.
What is really acting is the intent of the reader, his expertise and capability to deal with the tools used.
And intent is just the main power behind magick.
Magicians learn about working with "The Will". AC and others in modern times just made the word more popular.
Ok, there are already many works about but I like the idea. The problem is a lot of stupid people think “do your will” means the same as “do whatever you think”.
So think on this: you only have rights when you recognizes that others also have rights. So your “Will” start in the point where you recognize others also have a Will (even if unused).
Using your Will means you must be the true owner of your intent. But what most happens is people who are ruled by politics, religions, prejudices, partial personal opinions, society, etc. They are not using their Will. They are acting like parrots. A drugs addicted is ruled by the drugs. Religion can be a drug, politics is a drug, etc. It is not you, it is someone else point of view. This is the difference.
Ok, let us keep in the “intent”. This is the needed to work on magick. Have an intent and be able to work with it for some time. This is why so many stupid people are able to make the “evil eye”, and do it often. A very negative thing for sure. They may be stupid, but still be able to fix an intent for the needed time over a target.
If the current technology is not able to even register “information” in a more decent aspect, not just data, why expect it will be able to “act” or even simulate intent?

Art: Rainforest Residence
by Matthew Attard - Australia
People who have gone deep in Crystal programming learn they are able to keep and even do more than any modern IBM computer. In the past, IBM had good evangelists who was not just promoting what they have to sell, some was real visionaries. I really miss this. I have not read something decent from them nor have seem this company nor the other big ones with interest to keep such works. Where are the good visionary’s works? I say people who works daily for the future, not immediate cheap results. Current computer companies are doing and promoting almost the same we saw at the 80s. Just with better graphics. Anything since then is just processing velocity and really few creativity nor true development.
But crystals, for example, use another methods and currently also need personal development to be able to connect and understand the information the crystal can register and process someway accordingly with the specific qualities each one may have. Sorry newagers, forgot the fantasy aspects even if that are always good to make movies and fairie tales. This is a technology still faraway of most scientist’s research. Well, I’m sure some may be trying to understand about psychometry, is a starting point. But again related to “whole information” idea.
And psychometry ideas and methods can be one of many ways to develop in the future a working Cybermagick.
The capability to a computer (with its software) to connect with the whole information related to some event.
This is the point when we will see something really new start: connect to information and be able to deal with it.
However, remember, as commented, magick is based on “intent”. And how you learned and develop to made it.

To finish, in my point of view, Cybermagick will become true when such mechanisms become able to “make and act” on an intent using “whole information”. Not just the current mess of 0s and 1s, but whole information under an intent.  
Easy to think a clay done Golem or Thralls are still more advanced in the aspect of “act”. The problem is how they work with the information they receive, and here become another point, how to ask or command, reasoning and etc. Uhm, remember HAL 9000 from the 2001 A Space Odissey?



quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Por que videntes veem tantas tragédias

Alguém perguntou: Por que os videntes parecem ver só tragédias"?

Bem, eu diria que as coisas boas são fáceis de serem esquecidas. São feitas boas previsões, mas estas não costumam ser boas notícias para vender jornal.

A maioria das pessoas vai lembrar por anos por ter torcido o pé. Mas vão esquecer rapidamente os carinhos recebidos.

Da mesma forma, na hora do aperto, correm em busca de auxílio, mas quando estão bem, a primeira coisa que esquecem é de voltar para agradecer a quem lhe ajudou!

em 04/06/2009