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sábado, 20 de novembro de 2021

A Lenda da Armadilha de Sonhos


A armadilha de sonhos é um dos símbolos mais facilmente reconhecíveis da tradição nativa norte-americana. 

Basicamente a armadilha ou filtro de sonhos é um amuleto da cultura indígena norte-americana para se proteger de sonhos maus e até evitar ataques de espíritos negativos durante o sonho e poderia ajudar a purificar energias do ambiente. 

O povo Cree do Canadá relata a sua origem.

Uma aranha estava silenciosa fazendo sua teia, ao lado do lugar de dormir de Vovó Nokomis.

Cada dia, Vovó Nokomis olhava a aranha trabalhando, tecendo em silencio.

Um dia, enquanto ela contemplava a aranha, seu neto chegou.

-"Nokomis-iya!" exclamou mirando a aranha e avançou sobre ela com o sapato na mão.

-"No-keegwa, sussurrou a velha senhora, "não a mate".

-"Nokomis, por que você protege a aranha?" perguntou o pequeno menino.

A velha senhora sorriu, mas não respondeu. Quando o menino saiu, a aranha veio junto à velha senhora e agradeceu por ter salvo sua vida.

Disse: "Por muitos dias você tem me olhado tecendo minha teia. Você tem admirado meu trabalho. Como recompensa por salvar minha vida, eu lhe darei um presente."

Ela sorriu seu sorriso especial de aranha e moveu-se de volta, tecendo por onde veio.

Logo, a lua brilhou sobre uma mágica teia prateada, movendo-se gentilmente na janela.

-"Vê como fio?" disse a aranha . "Veja e aprenda, para que cada teia apanhe maus sonhos. Apenas bons sonhos passarão pelo pequeno buraco. Este é meu presente para você. Use-a assim apenas os bons sonhos serão lembrados. Os maus sonhos serão irremediavelmente aprisionados na teia."

Lenda do povo nativo Cree do Canadá.

(Fonte: internet)


Publicado originalmente no meu Buddha-Zine nro 8, Dezembro de 1999



quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2016

Do Thick Salt Bath or Herbal Bath Over Your Head? Banho de Sal Grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça

Photo: Gina Blank - Canada

 Versão em Português aqui (PDF): Fazer Banhos de Sal-grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça?

Do Thick Salt Bath or Herbal Bath Over Your Head?
How to make a big mess just because a bath or an incomplete cleanup.

Portuguese resume: "Banho de Sal Grosso ou ervas pode e deve ser feito incluindo a cabeça. A estória sobre fazer só do pescoço para baixo é só repetição de algo que é para sacerdotes formalmente iniciados em religião africana. Se você não é de alguma religião destas (ou apenas frequenta mas não tem assentamentos de Orishas/Lwas), faça seu banho tranquilo. E depois faça um banho com ervas para fortalecimento das areas desejadas".

Versão em Português disponível neste link (clique): 

Fazer Banhos de Sal-grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça?


Spiritual baths are used in almost all traditions.

To start I took as an example the very popular Thick Salt Bath.
Most of this applies to other baths types too.

Such baths have in basic one or more of these purposes, I just made a simple resume, not complete but that gives an idea:

Cleaning baths:
  • Remove negative energy.
  • Banish some negative spirits and/or astral larvae.
  • Cleanup part of the negative influences due to curses/magical attacks.
  • Neutralize some aspects due to diseases.
Protective Baths:
  • To empower your body and soul. 
  • Keep away energies and spirits.  
  • To make strong your barriers.
Empowering baths:
  • Attract positive energy (love, health, wisdom, wealth, etc).
  • Add the needed energy aspects. For example, some baths are good for mediumship or dreams.
  • Add protection power to body and soul.
  • Add specific powers like planetary aspects due to proper correspondences.
  • Become in tune with some desired energies.
  • Healing.
  • Protection.

There are some similar results while washing your house/office with herbs or smoking with herbs for cleanup or attract desired energies.

For sure I won’t discuss doing cleanups at large buildings, offices, or land areas like farms. There are many other practices proper to such places, that need more power. But even so, the basics are related, so you will have an idea about what is to be done.

What is the Thick Salt Bath? 

What is the Thick Salt Bath? It’s just a cleanup, most for electronic type energy and low-level spiritual energies including astral larvae. Start with the idea of the purifying aspects of the salt, plus the simple electronic results it has over any energy.

A salt bath is just a cleanup, not selective, to remove any energy, bad or good.

Such a bath is very popular just because it’s used when people feel they are at bad times and need a cleanup of the bad aspects of life.

Many people use to do a sea bath at the New Year celebrations as cleaning too.

You must get this: a Thick Salt Bath is not a banishing against strong spirits. Such cases need more to be done.

Many of such baths may have a prayer part, most used by formal magicians and people who work in spiritual areas.

On another side, the common, “normal” person just is after a bath to clean up the bad and they just think about to attract the good energies into their lives.

But the salt only removes and clean, so you need to do a second bath later to attract the good energies.

A classic example used by many ceremonial magick practitioners is the Solomonic Bath, that uses consecrated water and salt, a lot of prayers, and sometimes some herbs:
“…Enter the bath once again, recite Psalms 104 and 81 and pour the water over your head several times....”
 from: The Solomonic Bath – Aaron Leith

If you do not have a bathtub, you can use a bucket. 
Yes, this is water with an ice bath, and is a good spiritual bath too!

The problem

Too often I see people cite about doing cleanup baths and add a “warning” to not pour that over your head.
I fully disagree. Who are they? Do your herb or salt bath without fear from head to toes.

Such baths are part of the many ways for a spiritual cleanup, to remove bad energy, banish spirits, protection, or just to attract good energies into your life.

To be clear: as cited above there are baths to remove energies and the same there are baths to get energies.

And to be very clear: having a bath in a clear fall in the mountains, or in a stream, or a rain bath, including your bathtub or shower, also have spiritual capabilities for cleanup!

Source: Spiritualjapan

Even clear water is a cleanup or empowering bath if properly used. To be clear, do a prayer and consecrate the water.
It’s just a bath to make it simple. But with additional effects.
And many of that work near in the same way as doing smoking with herbs.
To repeat, some will banish energies and some will attract energies.
And for sure there are rituals to do from the basic to even more complete cleanups.

Why some people say to not pour the bath over your head?

Most of them do not know why. They are just repeating like parrots. Someone told, or they read at any magazine, etc.

The most popular source for this idea in the western countries is because of a mixing of practices with some from ATR (African Traditional Religions).

The idea presented is because the head is a kind of “property” of some spirits of those religions, the Orishas, Lwas, or someone else. Some use a different word, but still, the idea is “property”. Some even forbid their members to have a simple bath at the sea! Yes, you can’t swim in the ocean!

If you are not a formally initiated member of such religions that in no way to forbid washing your head apply for you. Dot.
If anyone even cites some "study" about not washing head, be sure until today 100% of times I went after the original sources and confirmer it was some of such religions. Dot.

Some religions say you can’t eat pork. Others say cows are sacred. Others are vegans and etc.

Each area has its practices.

So keep yours, just respect others the same way they have to respect you.

If you are a client at some of those areas for sure be respectful, but they also must respect you too. That is their practice, their faith, not yours. You are not forced to enter into a religion if you are just a client.

You have to go after the information too. Look for more sources.
For sure I respect the good and serious priestess and priestesses. I'm a Babalorixa at Candomble ("father of saint", just a formal priest), so this is my opinion.
I just had too many bad experiences and knew so much bad corrupt ones to learn and think more about what may be or not to be right. And be sure this happened in other areas I work for decades.

Do not act blindly! If you do not receive a very clear and decent clear reply from spiritual mentors, or even become treated due asking, get out fast!

"No true spiritual ally, like a true friend in the land of the living, should treat you as a pet. Either they serve you or you're equals. - Gordon Finn” 
from the Ritual Offerings book.

This is something simple and is part of all I wrote about the risk of mixing practices for the Ritual Offerings book. The part I wrote is related to many other magical areas too. There are many ways to opportunists spirits (and the charlatans) get control and feed from your life. 99% of what I wrote most ATR priestess won’t tell you. That’s my practical experience, I went deep in the darkest corrupt areas, I learned under blood and tears. So please remember there are the good ones who are serious and do good work. I'm just pointing the many traps.

The other problem as told above is the people who just repeat things like parrots about magick and spirituality. They become victims too, just are working blind in the magic/spiritual because they don't know what's really behind that.

Holly Dip. A sadhu swings his head as he takes bath at Sangam in Allahabad.
Photo: Jagran.com - India

What may happens if you do not bath your head too?

To be simple, the bath will be incomplete and allow opportunists spirits to take you.

This is my opinion and experience for decades in many areas.

Just see how the Chakras, the points of energy in your body have a flow from the bottom up the head.
So, if you cut you head out of the bath, for sure the process is incomplete.

The energy flow. Someone sees why I can't accept to do not wash your head?

If you don’t bath your head, that important area becomes open to any intrusive spirits and energies.
One simple idea to compare is doing unsafe sex. Would you trust if someone you just found, want sex at the start without condoms, and even get furious if you question that?
Think about risks. Have safe sex and the same way, have safe religion and spiritual practices.

So if you are not a formally initiated member at such religions, and avoid doing a bath over your head because an idea that appears even a threat from an unknown source, guess what kind of spirit will find it very easy to find an opened door and take that space? Uhm? The bath will clean up the entire body, including any guardian for a time, and that space will be taken by any energies waiting safely in the head!

And more important: if you are not a formal initiated and do not wash your head with the baths because fearsome spirits, be sure that spirits won't be working to protect you. Forget the parrot's talk, all that is incomplete. In any area, the spirits only will start to do some if you start working with them and doing offerings and even worship. In some areas, this is the real purpose of telling you to not wash your head. A trap.

Higher spirits won’t destroy your life because of a bath.

The higher one's spirits mean to be powerful and able to keep some distance while you have needed care. If some of that causes harm to your life because this, be sure you are not in a good area, so is better to get out and move to a safe place.

And see later the comment bellow about a needed second bath after the cleaning with salt or herbs.

I fully keep my position about anyone who is not initiated at some religion. They have not to obey to some spirits that have nothing about their lives. The same if you eat pork, or like meat, is not a vegan, etc.

How baths work to make it simple:

If you do a cleanup (to remove energies), the only precaution is to remember if you have some kind of guardians. Just notify them so they will be apart for some time and return as you finished.

This is the same if you wash or smoke your house with herbs. Any spirit, angels, etc. will take distance. So if you have an altar, for example, be sure the spirits/angels of the altar will also take a safe distance. Just remember to notify your guardians or altar spirits about the cleaning you will do and after some hours, call them back as commented below.

In the drawing, I omitted any guardians just to make it more simple.

At the first, is an example of someone with all kind of bad energies, inside and outside.
The second is what happens if you do not pour the bath over your head. That is simple: any energies at head level, inside and outside can stay there and later, will feed on the fertile area resulting bellow. This is why I used a grass area as an example.
The third is an example of an optimum full bath. In practice, this is what is desired. To have a powerful cleanup and empowerment and get good energy around.

Also, to make it simple, the idea here is doing a clean up bath followed by an empowerment bath as cited next.

After the bath/cleaning remember to fill the place again

Once you had your bath or did a house clean up like smoke, etc., wait some few 3-4 hours so that have the needed effect and follow that with another bath or smoke with herbs to attract good energies.
Prayers are good too.

Get this? If it was a cleaning bath, just wait some 3-4 hours and do another bath, first just clean water to remove the salt and then bath with other herbs to attract the desired good energies.

As the cleaning salt/herbs bath can remove anything, so after you need to fill again the space with good energies.
And if you have guardians, altar spirits, etc., just light a candle, do a proper prayer, and offer incense or smoke the place with positive herbs calling them to come back to the place you pointed to them at your house and life.

Note: sometimes after the first bath, when the person is too heavy due to bad energies, the body will relax and need to sleep to rest. If this happens, is very Ok so have the needed sleep and then do the following bath.

This is the same basic idea for a general building cleaning. For sure these are other procedures and even stronger rituals to be done by a magician/priest. First, banish the undesired spirits, then make a powering rite and invite the protection spirits to care for the place.
About buildings and land areas, for sure there are some extreme cases, where exorcism is needed and some of that can be really hard to deal with.  To be sincere, some places are near impossible to clean up again because is needed to negotiate with the spirits and what they ask may cost a lot, not just money for sure. So only mother nature will do that working for a thousand years.

What herbs use later for an empowering bath?

That varies a lot.

Since the generic ones to specific areas, we have a lot of herbs to use and the choice sometimes is related to what area the person needs more.

Some very easy herbs to find:
  • Rose petals. For Spiritual and Love power.
  • Bay Laurel. For the protection and good to connect with higher levels of spirituality like spiritual mentors.Is good for money too.
  • Cinnamon. The body force, prosperity, money. 
  • Lavender. Peace and calm.
  • Rosemary. Mind focus. 
  • Hyssop. Cleanup physical and spiritual, remove negative energy, and is also good for protection. See Psalm 51. You can use Mint in the same way.

You will find many herbs references. The important for the second bath is to look for herbs to attract energies, not the cleansing ones. Remember, the idea is to add desired energies.

And repeating always is good to do a prayer according to your faith for your spiritual mentors bless the baths you are doing.

To resume

A spiritual cleanup bath can't be seen as a sin.
There are the cleanups, the protective, and the empowering baths.

If you get all this, I’m sure some of you may start to think about some cases when people had done such baths not pouring the water over your head and times later had the same or even worse effects as before. For example, some spirits asking for offerings to keep out.
It's easy to find people who started doing simple things and later they had to do more and more other works, too often to solve problems they had not before.
The same for buildings/houses cleanups when people do the banishing and don’t add the needed protection rite after the cleaning.

Remember, an empty body or building or land area is a place to be filled.
So have control over your life and do a decent complete cleanup and follow that with a rite/bath to invite the desired good energy/spirits to care for that.

So just do the complete bath and add an empowering one after for a complete result

Get this? Simple, uhm?

So do your bath from head to toes without fear and later just do another one to get good energy.

A big full thanks:

In memory of  "Uncle Neide Vilain", a famous witch from Florianópiolis, SC, Brazil who taught me a lot in so many areas, including about how using the bath salts. And she is responsible for makes me be a writer.

Additional reading suggestions:



Leia também: 

Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2016

Using Each of The Four Elements for Oracle Reading. Uso dos Quatro Elementos em Oráculos

Lakeside camp. A nice place with the four elements around. 
by SnowSara

Using Each of The Four Elements for Oracle Reading. 
Uso dos Quatro Elementos na Leitura Oracular

Texto em português disponível para download. Clique aqui: "Uso dos Quatro Elementos na Leitura Oracular"

Here I will talk some about working with the power of the four elements.

To the ancient Greek and most western traditions, there are four elements and they are the prime force in the nature.
They are Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

I used the word “oracle” instead of “divination” to suggest the idea about an oracle to be the active part and do the work while the reader get the results from it. Here, the reader is an observer and able to interact and get the information the oracle present.
For sure reading capabilities and previous oracle works are very desired, like developing your 3rd eye and intuition. Advanced oracle skills are highly desired like other previous training, like meditation and some knowledge of the nature in a shamanic view.
Also, I will use the words “elements” and “elementals” for the same purpose. For example, the salamanders or just “fire”.

I won’t enter at the aspects of working with the elemental’s Kings level nor at other higher spirits who are related to the elements too. Such practices are most related with the practices to work with spirits, their correspondences and areas of acting.
For sure it’s great to use the elemental oracles together with the spirits working. They add a powerful tool and different ways to develop your perception.

So, to the extents I choose for now, I will cite spirits as a part of the work if you choose to add it. But the focus is going for a direct elementals work.
If you choose to call first spirits to rule the operation, that is interesting too.

To add some study suggestions, in the Tarot, the Ace cards means the pure aspects of each elemental energy. Something interesting to study and their following manifestations among the cards. The lower arcana cards (1 to 10) are just the manifesting power of the elements, but accordingly with their numerological aspects too.
So, this is something more for your study about Numerology and also for Qabalah (Gematry). That is very related to the elementals in the ways they manifest their power in the world.
Agrippa is always a good resource for study too.

But while theory is very good to add information and knowledge, this is not an armchair work to be done at your library room.
Using the elements as oracle is a nature work. Remember this. Even at your temple room, you must be able to connect with nature forces.
If you have not some forests to go, even so you may have some park around, gardens, etc. When you open your eyes, you will discover every tree at the street is looking for you and wishing to be seen. The moment you discover this, you never will be alone again. Nature is all around us.

As nature forces, the Elements are the main part of life and have their own spirits too.
At the elemental levels, we found many living beings, the popular names are gnomes, fairies, undines, sylphs, etc. Each country have traditional names for them.
This work is about them. Yes, the fairies, sylphs, gnomes, undines, salamanders. They are the ones working to show you what they have to say.
There are also what is named Genius Loci, the spirits of each place. Frater Rufus Opus wrote some very good material about working with them at the Ritual Offerings book.
See, each place have its own spirits. See the eastern traditions about the Devas, or discovering a mountain or a river are also living beings.

In the book “Toilers of the Sea” from Victor Hugo, at the beginning, Gilliatt the main character, who was someone strange to the village people, comments some like “if the air and water are transparent, why not to be such transparent living ones there?” With time science have discovered many of them too.  A bit of fantasy plus a lot of reality to discover. Glad too often science have just confirmed what occultists know for ages.

The basic idea for Element’s Oracles is first observe they are “life too”, so it is just something like a talk with them.
In other words, it is part of a relationship with the elements you are working with.

This is the best suggestion I can present you about working with an oracle: talk with it, create a respectful relationship with it. With time, this become mutual and you will discover another level of communication with them.

And think what you do for a relationship or to have a date. Uhm? Something so. Prepare and be respectful.
One first practice is to observe how they are beautiful and powerful. 
The moment you opens up for the beauty in the nature, nature himself will opens up for you.

It’s a shamanic idea, one of the oldest source of all magic in the world. An interesting work about the shamanic sources of grimoires magick is presented by Aaron Leitch at “Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires”.

Many native traditional cultures name the elementals as relatives. Mother earth, brother wind, sister water, etc.
This is to recognize they are part of the wide nature as all of us are part of that.
One more reason to repeat: be respectful. This is a main rule we have learned in traditional magic, sorcery, whatever area. Be angels, daemons, nature spirits, whatever.
They share the same living planet and astral dimensions all of us are living.
And many of them are ready to be your friends someway too.
Got this?
A respectful approach and the true desire to learn and to be opened to receive their energies will do wonders.
This is also related to opening your spiritual eye, the 3rd eye vision. There are many ways for that for sure. This is just one more. To be receptive.
And remember this: To say sincere “thanks” it’s a master key too.

General warnings about working with elementals
As cited before, people too often think fairies and others are nice, sweet, anything so fluffy to deal with. Just because fantasy tales.
And what happens?
They put many gnomes and fairies’s images at home, burn incense and invite them as guests. Like a party.
And their houses appears like a mystic store at first days. But wait.
Elementals spirits are bi-dimensional beings. There are just so closer of our tri-dimensional world.
And they are like children without rules too.
Such people invite them at home and forget about. Soon things are broken or disappears.
And most people does not realize what is the real source of the troubles! Elementals playing at their houses.
Just children foolish. Think about as many children running at your house like crazy doing all foolish things without any care.
As any other spirit, elementals may be called for work and then dismissed.
Yes, be explicit to tell them to let the place and go back to their own area.
Even if you are doing this with that nice fairies dolls you found at some mystic store. 

This is one more reason we talk to never let an unattended candle.
Get this? The elementals like to walk around. Remember this.
Safety procedures are always needed. Be careful.
Think about this: even if you someday become a master, your workers and disciples still won’t be at same level and you must have an eye on them.

So, if you already learned to invoke the Angels, Kings or any Daemons related to that elemental areas, you always can invoke them to be over and command the operation you are doing and to watch over the elementals beings you are calling to work with.
As told above just for cite, this is possible too and very interesting. 

The idea of calling the pure elementals is also because you will be calling forces who are like children to work. But as any children, they have a long tongue when doing oracles. LOL…

Warning about photos

Photo by objektiiv.ee
In modern times, we have seen many images or such works. I do it sometimes too and some are vey nice.
The most easy to get are photos of fire.
But this is ruled under the same as for any magic working: you must ask permission to register what you are doing.

This is very important to remember. Be respectful!

Never, but never try to register images of any ritual or an elements oracle working without asking explicit permission. So you must be very alert to what kind of reply, some signal about the permission for doing that.
You are working with elementals and spirits, so be sure you will not be hidden trying to do such register. Ok?
Without an explicit permission, be with the traditional film cameras or a digital camera the results may vary just from registering nothing or just confuse images, going to a broken equipment and at some worst cases, you may receive a direct punch from the spirits who may got furious due the lack of discretion.
And a direct punch from such spirits can be anything, like some bad times doing cleanings and banishments going to even something simple, like a small stone jumping against your car’s front glass in the middle of the way. I saw even that. So do not mess with them.

Simple but effective 

To be short, such elementals oracles are simple but need practice while you develop your skills.
As cited before, an elemental oracle is something just like talking with it and to observe to the replies.
But as any spirits working, just to repeat, you must be respectful.
So prepare your oracle with the needed care, do the best you can for each case.
Do the best you can each time.
Temporary needs happens to anyone for sure, just be clear to say and explain this when you open the oracle and show you have a serious compromise to do better as you can.
To be sincere with them will help to make a solid relationship.
And again, a true relationship is what you need to work with the elements oracles.

The Oracles

Repeating once more. You will talk with the elementals and this is working as you open your spiritual vision.
I will comment some about each one, adding more at some due personal preferences.
But we have the same basic working ideas for each element for sure.

And very important: each oracle will present the information a very different point of view.

So think on this: each element have a different time and way in time. The visions you will get are related to that point of view.

A Cauldron Ritual of Fire of mine.

The Fire Oracle

Probably the most popular.
The fire is beautiful and anyone have seen images of witches dancing nude around a fire. A bit of fantasy people have for sure.

The most popular fire oracle I have seen is just to lit a candle and gaze at it.
And too often, I see a lot of newage style comments about guided visualizations and comments about how the flame may move this or that way. The problem is in practice, you won’t be reading many pages of a guided instructions for something that may be simple. No way! In my opinion many of such “instructions” are something near a fantasy mystic delusional delirium.
At maximum, my suggestion is to read that to get some idea, sometime one or other useful phrase may be found as many of such texts are just based or a copy from some source. With some luck, you will find something new to use. 

About using candles for a fire oracle, uhm, Ok, that will work.
May the flame dance or not, do some movements to get your attention.
We have many signals during rituals just coming from the candles. For sure they have a proper use.

But to be sincere, I’m not in love about to use a candle as a fire oracle. It’s so shy… 

See, fire is a strong example of free power. Fire need space to manifest.
Just release the fire and you will see the destruction it may does.
Fire is action.
Do not mess with the fire.

However, for a good fire oracle in my personal opinion is needed a decent size fire.
Please, do not put fire at the entire area.
Just have a decent size fire to last for some 30 minutes or more so the elementals can enjoy the place and do their work.
You may do a bonfire at your backyard or in a safe place in the woods or use a cauldron for it with a cup of alcohol at the cauldron.
If you do not have a witch's iron cauldron, you can use even a cuisine pot, but remember this is just something temporary only.
Be respectful in preparing your work materials, so a cuisine pot can only be used for the time it takes until you to get a better tool, a real iron cauldron or a yard to make a decent campfire.
Remember, use what you can, the best of it. But if you expect for real development you must work to have a proper tool.

Well, that is about having a decent size fire.
Yes, if you want to do a call for the fire elementals, the first is to do a decent size fire.
For sure, does not burn a forest nor your house. Does not be fanatic.
Be sure a very big fire, like a forest or a building burning does not will be good to try to use as an oracle. That is a time when fire get out of control, so do not mess with it!

As a personal choice, I love to do a bonfire at backyard or at some place in nature.
Just think about that as the same you would do while in a camp.
Campfires are great places where friends meet, even got drunk and talk a lot of bullshit.
If you read again the previous phrase, you get one aspect of the fire elementals working: passion. Make people be hot and friendly with others. Campfires are great times for people meeting. Companies would do a lot more if they turn their office meetings into doing campfires with their executives. Not just a barbeque. I say a decent size fire to people be around. But that works also often expose secrets because the fire light and sometimes a lot of alcohol drinking. LOL…
What ancient warriors did while planning or preparing for a fight next day? A campfire. Uhm?

Just to cite a scene at movies, just see Kirk, McCoy and my beloved uncle Spock at the movie “Star Trek V The Final Frontier”. They traveled everywhere into the Galaxy in a starship. But just a campfire did wonders. How far does you have gone when something so near can do wonders?
I add that part just to note they are in a campfire.

That are epic scenes anyways if you like Sci-Fi.  But if you don't like Star Trek, sorry.

So what the idea with the oracle of fire?

Fire is flow.
Fire is passion.
Fire burn something to turn it into something else (air). Better to remember, smoke is related to the air. And the final result is the earth (ashes).
The fire will show aspects under the vision of “action”, movement. Events happening related to something.
Consecrate your fireplace as you choose and greeting the energies and spirits you may be or not asked to be present too.
A fire oracle is like a happy hour with friends sometimes.
During a bonfire or at the cauldron, I will be drinking a good wine and sharing with the evoked energies.
Let’s the fire become present and flow as it become hotter and moving. Take your time.
If you want, you can invite the fire elementals to present themselves if they want. See this, invite but allow them to choose if they want to be present.
Sometimes the salamanders will appears dancing in the fire and they are very nice flashing there.
It’s interesting to observe as sometimes they will be really present and dance in the flames.
All that is moving. And that is a party.

As you get the fire to be really live, look to the fire and ask it to open for you the oracle of the flames.
Be explicit. Something like:
“I invoke the oracle of flames. May this flames open the gates so I can see all occult things and understand what I want about N.”
Where “N” is the area, person or topic you want to know.
Then just observe the fire and let your mind to be opened to any ideas you got. Sometimes the flames may do some move that catch your attention. Other times, that will flash like images into your head as you develop your intuition and 3rd eye vision.
Watch and allow that to flow.
And keep relaxed. This is not like scrying with fixed eyes, but more like just to pay attention to any scenes the fire will present you and the related ideas you got in your mind.
As I told, you may be even drinking in a feast with the fire.
The oracle images will flash when present something, with time you will learn to pay attention to some specific scene or idea and get the messages you want.
As the images flash, you will remember the fire is action and passion moving, so the replies are in the point of view of fast business, fast action. Too often very direct.

At the end, give thanks for their presence and dismiss them.

Childlike Happiness
Photo: Mark Hobson

The Water Oracle

Another popular oracle as water can be used in many ways.
You may observe the water in a big bowl, a small calm part of a river or lake or a water spring in the middle of some land area. A timid waterfall in a stream can be fantastic if you found a place in nature where the elementals spirits live.
Small areas are better and the water must be calm, except in the case of the example of a very small and calm waterfall. I say, that really small ones, just few foot height and very calm places.
As the fire, water can also become out of control.
A flood for sure is not good to try an oracle reading. Same for the places where the rivers are breaking the earth fast.
And no, is not a good idea to try this practice while you are doing a rafting in the Colorado River.
To be clear, as I did rafting before, is possible to talk with the river and receive some replies during the action, but it’s not the same as an oracle. The river will be talking while a challenge for your senses, it is more a warrior practice to learn to use.
Water is beautiful, fluid.
Water is a direct connection with your emotions.
The water oracle will show you how things appears under the emotional aspects.
The images you will get are very emotional most of times.
While fire is related with action, passion, water is related with feelings.
The fire show just action. Water will show some ideas of the “why” and “for what” just because that is related with how you feel about.

Choose the place, seat to observe.
When you ask to open the oracle of the water, you are also inviting your own emotional areas to be receptive.
How a stream flow? The water flow to reach again a calm state. This is what of to expect of the oracle. A seeking calm point of view. Even more meditative.
When a river run fast or jump in a big fall, that are done to reach a calm point again. And someday, find the sea. So the replies have a different point of view, just from someone who is watching at some distance and present a wide scenario.
Think about this: you feel your head and your foot at same time Ok? The same way, a river at source also is connected with the point where he meet the sea. Uhm? It’s a wide sense.
So between the “why” and the “for what” points, remember the river may have calms and some fast places, waterfalls, etc. happening.
Think as the water from the ocean may take some few days and weeks from the sea to the clouds and rain again into earth. That will start the cycle again to run into the sea. A giant river like the Amazon means just many weeks from the highest mountain until reach the sea again.

And here is interesting to observe and remember. There are the fast times in the life cycle of the water. From the ocean to clouds and back to the earth again in the top of the mountains.
There are rapids, falls and even some swamps where the water get trapped.
This is very related to emotions as cited before.
So the “calm” replies may also add this aspect.
Emotions can vary from happiness, to calm flow, stagnation areas and even to fear.
So even fear is a “calm” aspect of feelings. The most fear, the most vulnerable.
Fear can make someone become rigid.
How is the water in the poles or in the most high mountains? It got frozen. Ice. But even that ice someday will become fluid again. That water just choose to stay for a while, or better, a long time at such places and receive more of the energy such places have. Just think why so many people fall in love to climb and stay there, the high mountains, or at the poles. Emotions got so calm and can be observed at same time others aspects can be worked. Like observe large horizons.
To learn what fear is can make a warrior to become a hero. To go over the fear and act.
But also, fear help to the warrior does not act like a stupid suicidal.
Such images can be very deep at your most ancient memories and show things in a way you will fear or even fall in love with.

At the end, give thanks for their presence and dismiss them.
The water you used you can just throw it at the earth, like a garden to release the energy.

Photo: BenKrohn - Finland

The Air Oracle

This as the earth, can be a very rare oracle to work.
The Air will work at first on your mind. The ideas level.
What your mind is doing just now?
Stop for a moment and observe what’s really happening inside your head now.
How many different thoughts you can observe at once?
The mind area too often is very busy with a lot of events and ideas and remembering all that is happening at once.
At same time you are doing something, remembering others, plus a lot of images from current and even past events.
Just now your mind is working with this text, but also everything related with the room you are, feelings, body sensations, any sounds sources AND due this, presenting information from your memory related to all that.
Add to this, all subconscious level workings.
Your mind is like a crazy machine doing thousands of works at same time.
Every image, sound, body sensation is being compared to everything your memory have registered searching for some pattern or related topic.
You just look to something before and that brings into your current thoughts an older event?
But that also happens to something you saw times ago. Your mind took that and keep comparing, searching it at the memory files.
Is very common someone to “remember” an event due something that happened times before. In practice, your mind had been working all this time trying to do a match.
Have you think why that happened? Simple, just because the most simple thing you see, listen or think, even a smell, is compared to everything in you memory. That means, millions of events happening and you was not aware. And that can take a long time.
Got worried because all that? No worries, its just what a brain do. And this is a reason we suggest to learn some practice like meditation. To improve your brain and also your soul.

So how to get some oracle in the air?
The air is invisible!
Well, meditation practices works first to make you became just an observer. It’s not just to calm your mind, but to keep aware of that and let your soul fly free. Just to say so.
The replies the air oracle present can appears to be disconnected of other aspects, just appears something blowing in the wind.
The air elements at first are invisible. Or not. Just remember the sky appear to be blue because the sun light. 
You can feel the air due the light or because the wind.
So as the other elements, strong air movements are not safe for trying a reading. Like a hurricane.
But the wind is fresh. Like a calm river or lake.

But when there’s no wind, how to get it?

The oracle of the air is something to be worked usually at open areas.
And better near the nature.
So if you are among oppressive buildings in the city, or a closed room there are few opportunity to the elemental forces be acting without restriction.
They will be there anyway, but that also means you must be really able to get that.
So open areas, even a calm street in town area will be better.
This oracle is a bit different to open.
You may be seat in a nice place in the woods, meditating, or in the beach, or seated in you house’s garden.
This is a best condition. A calm mind and a receptive state.
But due the initiations I had, I observed it will work also anywhere, I say even walking in the street and on need of some information. But see, this is due practical training and even so, not all times a so good work condition and hard to get what is just your mind or a proper reply from the air.

As any oracle, the best is to take a time to do the reading you need.
Have a proper place and time.
As before, use your voice and command to the oracle of the air be opened for you.
The images you will get are direct into your mind level. Like ideas coming from somewhere.
Remember as commented, our brain can even be a crazy machine. You need to learn to calm your mind and be able to separate what is coming outside from your own work.
But as the fire and the water have different ways to present to you, as light or the wet emotional images, the same way the air have some aspects to observe.
The first, is moving. The wind.
A good idea is to have near something to observe, like trees, plants or even the smoke from a source. Their movements may have a meaning during the oracle of the air.
Here you will not be talking with the trees not the fire. Just using part of that to observe what the air is doing.
And for sure, the best of all, is feeling the wind around you.
When you have the pleasure of the wind, you will note how the wind is touching you, gentle or not, trying to move your head to look to some point and get an image from that place.
When you have wind, this happens, he can be like a lover hand touching you and suggesting ideas and some will again, just be flashing into your head.
Sometimes you may even note the wind touching you, but everything around is quiet. No one leaf in the trees are moving. This happened using smoke in a bonfire. I was very closer feeling the wind, but the smoke was straight as if nothing was happening.
Another was a personal reading during a Sabbath, using the wind for this, the person just in front of me had her hair and clothes moving but I felt nothing touching me. The wind was showing what was behind her thoughts and she was forced to confirm everything I told.
Yes, the elements oracles can be used for live readings when you get it.
There are more working with the air oracles.
There are the wind. But if not, you may feel changes in temperature, heat or cold that do not match the place in anyway.
Sometimes on sunny days the hot air moving up makes visible shadows on the ground, like cement, rock or sand, as if they were waves. Note this, too.
Also may happens oppressive conditions, like to be hard to breath.
I cited to dislike using candles for oracles, but once I asked the air oracle and a candle suddenly seemed to have been crushed, the flame almost erased as I asked for confirmation of the mental image I had, then suddenly the candle shone with the air as a confirm. This was a try working with this oracle inside my temple room. Another reason I talk about drastic changes in temperature. But such things happens at open places. Another was in a mountain, a very cold place and the air became hot in a way I had related messages. .
Such changes are physical to show the air is there, but such have to be related to some images or intuition you have at same time.
To say soo, such changes are just like air elementals spirits foolish. They are invisible, but they like to say they are near too.

Be sure to give thanks to the air elements. They are listening everywhere.
At the end, give thanks for their presence and dismiss them. 

Big Rock
Photo: Ruben - Vlc, Catalonia - Spain

The Earth Oracle

The earth is the most brute and the most unknown oracle.
It's the oracle of the big rocks. 
It will put you on the ground. How things in the planet was created and where they go?
This oracle often works on large period’s points of view. Not just immediate needs, but the teachings about your path in life, getting wisdom, understand how things work in a wide time lapse.
While the other elements can have short life cycles, the earth may often means hundred thousand years or even millions of years for just something happens.
This is the oracle of the big rocks.
But few times to be practiced with the small ones.
For sure crystals, or just some mirrors done with a piece of stone are great. But that are used most as divination tool.
With a great luck, one may find a not so big one, uhm, 2-3 foot size to become an oracle. But such one are rare and must be very special, taken direct from the ground and be untouched before. Still, will be like a baby rock. 
For a real oracle purpose, the best are the big ones at distant nature places and as possible, untouched or with rare contact with people so they keep their pure aspects.
Rocks need a long rest time when are disturbed. The good sculptors know they should let the stone rest in nature for a long time when they are moved or worked.
Do not mess with the old ones.
To find the ancient nobles, one must go into the mountains, deserts, cliffs or rocky coastlines.
Such ones are often the working place for initiation rites on ancient paths.
There are places with some sacred rocks who receive offerings due their power. People does not go there to do an offering for a spirit, but for the rock, or even a mountain.
As any other living being, some rocks have more power than others do.
Some ancient traditional groups had some simple practices, like to be closer a specific big rock for a long time. Like for mystic warrior challenges, standing under the sun, without water as long as possible. Or just to be under that big rock without any protection for rain, wind or cold. They are there to listen the rock and receive their ancient wisdom.
The rock is part of that and the seeker is going to get connected with its energy.
To be so closer such big elements is to face the planet most oldest beings.

Sometimes we have some big problem in life like bad memories and regrets. The type we talk about with other people sometimes. A hurt or sadness that needs to be forgotten and this can be very difficult.
If one goes to talk about that at the hair stylist, that's just gossip and receive more gossip in return. Not so much different with most people. They will reply just telling you about their problems and nothing got solved, but just the opposite, that feed the problem with more bad energy.
However, to talk to one of that older big ones rocks, for a last time is a final cut. They will hear what you have to say but contrary to people, they will return only the pure energy of nature, of growth. This same practice also work with big older trees. They are elder ones.
Telling your sorrows to these great natural beings is a way to end a cycle and leave behind something that bothers you greatly.
This is an aspect of the earth oracle. They listen too.
Get this? Any oracle in practice is a two way communication. They listen and reply.
The earth oracle is most suitable for a spiritual seeker. A warrior.
As the other oracles, it may be approached with great respect.
The rock may dislike you and fall over your head. Or make you have a bad step following, and you will jump in a cliff.
To found one, you need to walk in the woods, a coastline, a riverside or at the desert, wherever until meet a proper place. As told before, at distant places.
The work you have to be there is part of your prepare to ask for the oracle.
Seat or stand in front of the rock and stay quiet all the needed time to observe until the rock pay attention to you.
Remember, they have a long life, far away from your common idea about life, before any known modern civilization. Yes, there was many others before. So they don’t pay too much attention to fast events. That can need a long time until you have a message, a vision on the rock surface or even feeling to be moved to see another reality level.
May be you have the opportunity to found a smaller one, as cited before, 2-3 foot size, or even bigger, to adopt and let it rest undisturbed at your backyard for months and years so the stone relax and become an antenna for the inner planet energy.  That’s will be priceless.

When you finish, thanks for their presence and dismiss them.

Cooling off at Lynn Headwaters in North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Photo: Ann Badjura

Some final notes

If you have the opportunity of proper nature places for such workings, sometimes you will observe more than one element to be very near.
For example, you may find a big rock just closer a river. This way, you can invoke the energy of the water to expand your inner vision, and then ask the rock to open the oracle for you. This way you may flow better into the visions of the rock.
Doing the opposite, first asking to the rock to support you and then invoking the oracle of the water will help you to have a ground and not be caught into some emotional aspects that sometimes happens.
Same when you have a place to work with a bonfire, be near the water of the rocks.
Or just the wind you will find moving more near big rock areas or near a river.

Always at finish give thanks and dismiss the energies you invoked.

Always remember for physical safety.
If you are aside a cliff, you may be sure you are grounded before working with the wind.
If you choose the water, also be sure you are fixed at place as even some strange or even stupid accidents may happens if you enter at the water. For example, is not good idea to enter in a lake during the oracle even if the elementals invite you.
Never let an unattended candle. If you finish the work, most of times is Ok to finish the fire.
In the case of a bonfire, you must be sure it is finished and is safe to leave the area. Be careful! Do not start a forest fire!

Do not let any human garbage at the place. That will be very disrespectful to the spirits you called before.

To improve your skills, walk at the nature always as you can.
You will discover nature grow anywhere even in a city.
Learn to be quiet and just observe this way learning about the energy at each place.
With time, you will expand your senses.



sábado, 4 de julho de 2015

Natural Magick

China Rose
By GJ-Vernon - United Kingdom

Natural Magick

See this photo?
A great image of life.
If you are looking into magick.
If you are doing the needed work to attain magick.
If you goes deep at the study and have find some good books.
At some time you must forget all that and just look into the nature.
This photo is something you must find.
Pure nature beaty.
This is what God created and you are part of it.
Natural magick is a main source for any area you are working with.
So, is correct to become a lover of live.
To find the nature power of life on what you are doing.
You may be working to make your tools, prepare a ritual.
But if you lack all nature, you have not started anything.
Do the magick work, but open your eyes to receive the gifts life have to you.
Otherwise, if you does not pay atention, you become just mechanics. 
Be with the nature.
Offer your sincere atention.
Your magick work will increase and the colors of life will be part of your soul.
This is magick on practice.

P+ 03/07/2015

PS : Sorry bad english.

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Liberdade na Espiritualidade

Colocando Reiki numa fonte para que as águas tenham poder de cura.
Porto Alegre, em 2002.

"Nenhum verdadeiro aliado espiritual,
assim como um verdadeiro amigo na terra dos vivos,
deve tratá-lo como um animal de estimação.
Ou eles servem você ou vocês são iguais.
Gordon Finn"

"No true spiritual ally,
like a true friend in the land of the living,
should treat you as a pet.
Either they serve you or you're equals.
Gordon Finn"


domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Sem Excessos, Água é Energia de Vida.

Don Martin plays flute at the water in thanks.
Foto: Northern Edge Algonquin


A respeito da matéria publicada na Revista Exame: Coca-Cola se defende em caso de morte na Nova Zelândia:
"Mulher ingeria até dez litros do refrigerante por dia e sofreu ataque cardíaco; ...até água, ingerida em excesso, pode ser 'dramaticamente sintomática', disse a marca."

Meu Comentário:

Certamente. Até água em excesso pode matar.

É o tipo de processo judiciário sem sentido que mais atrapalha do que ajuda.

Citando vivências pessoais, que costumo relatar aqui no blog,  muitas vezes pratiquei uma técnica de purificação e energização pessoal em que se bebe muita água durante um certo período, geralmente duas a três semanas.

É uma técnica para desintoxicação, cura natural e para elevar a energia pessoal que aprendi durante os anos em que fui aos Andes, com Ramon, um shamã mexicano.

Pode-se chegar facilmente a dez litros ou mais. Já cheguei por vezes a 15 litros.

Mas é algo muito controlado, é necessário disciplina combinada com cuidado especiais na alimentação, aliado a pratica de yoga e meditação.

Deve-se observar os limites do corpo. 

Muita água pode causar isquemia e até um derrame (AVC) pois mexe e muito com seu corpo, sua mente e seu espírito.

Veja bem, estou falando de água pura. Se fosse suco de frutas já poderia causar algum problema por intoxicação. É fácil entender o que ocorreu com esta pessoa que consumia até dez litros de refrigerante por dia.

Então, sempre é bom lembrar: tudo pode fazer bem. Mas usado de forma adequada.

Não invente coisas nem espere que os outros sejam culpados pelos seus excessos ou omissões.

Deser Water Tanks
Foto: Old Man Travels


Leia também: 
Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

Existe Livre Arbítrio?

Que caminho seguir?
Foto: whisper-star

Existe livre arbítrio, mas para tê-lo, você precisa ter visão e entendimento livre.
O que as pessoas têm é Liberdade de Escolha ou Opção.
É diferente.

Veja, você está limitado às opções que pode enxergar.

Fazendo um exemplo, se estiver sentado, enxergará alguns metros adiante. Estas serão suas opções.
Mas se estiver de pé, poderá ver mais longe e descobrir que existem outras opções.
Se subir uma montanha, descobrirá que o horizonte é muito mais vasto do que se percebe estando lá embaixo.

O que as pessoas chamam de livre arbítrio, é apenas a possibilidade de escolher entre as coisas que conhecem.

O alcance é limitado ao seu ambiente social, sua cultura, seus próprios medos.
Por isto que existem escolhas a serem feitas que não podem ser chamadas de "livres".

Talvez uma das únicas coisas que se possa fazer para sair desta limitação, seja aquilo que se chama de "dar um passo pela fé". Não falo de religião. Falo de acreditar em algo e ter a confiança e certeza de que isto que não se vê, pode ser alcançado.

Cito o exemplo do filme "Indiana Jones" em que o personagem central dentro de uma caverna, chega a um abismo. O mapa em suas mãos afirma que a única maneira de seguir é confiar e avançar com fé. Então ele dá um passo à frente, poderia ser sua morte. E descobre que havia uma ponte de pedra escondida por uma ilusão de ótica.
Mas veja isto ainda foi apenas uma escolha.

Livre arbítrio existe sómente quando a pessoa tem visão e consciência do todo que está envolvido. E com isto cria suas próprias opções.
A prática de meditação é algo que ajuda a abrir nossos horizontes internos, para então descobrir os horizontes maiores. E da mesma forma, aqueles que se aventuram explorando o mundo exterior, muitas vezes acabam de alguma maneira descobrindo seus próprios horizontes internos.

É por isto que costumo escrever sobre montanhas e sobre fazer atividades na natureza. Para abrir nossa visão e descobrirmos que não existem limites de expansão da consciência.
Alguém pode estar em meio à multidão, mas sobre um banquinho. Terá uma visão mais ampla do que os demais. Porém ainda estará limitado ao que alcança,
A força da criação, Deus, o universo, como queiram chamar estão próximas de nós, fazem parte do que somos.

Quando se rompem as barreiras que nos prendem, sociais, morais, religiosas, políticas, medos, traumas, etc., então começamos a perceber o quanto este universo é imenso e misterioso.

E começamos a perceber que o livre arbítrio torna-se possível. Assumimos a responsabilidade pelo nosso destino, pelas nossas ações e passamos a criar nosso próprio mundo



Aprenda a Receber

Respirar é a mais completa forma de meditação.
Foto: Danijel Šivinjski

A natureza em todos os momentos nos oferece tudo e nem sempre sabemos receber.

O próprio ar que respiramos nos é oferecido e isto pode ser elevado simplesmente recebendo com alegria a energia da vida.

E podemos fazer uma das maiores mágicas, simplesmente retribuindo este ar que recebemos, falando uma palavra gentil, recitar uma poesia ou cantar uma bela canção.

O amor da vida está em todas as partes.

Para aprender a dar, primeiro devemos aprender a receber.


Meu comentário publicado no blog do Paulo Coelho: Enchendo o Copo Alheio

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Criatividade em Cada Folha

Foto: Hannah "brightdawns"

Está um dia maravilhoso, com nuvens se emplumando redondas, preparando aquele tipo de chuva que dá vontade de sair caminhando no campo para escutar os bichos conversando na beira das lagoas. É o que vou fazer amanhã, com ou sem chuva. Escutar as árvores balançando, olhar o vento, encostar a cabeça no tronco de alguma árvore e olhar a fogueira dançando suas estórias.

Inspiração é algo assim, como fogo. Acende e queima intensamente. Quando ela surge, é a vida se manifestando, é gostoso. Sinto-me intensamente vivo. O corpo inteiro trabalha nisso.

Gosto de compor e tocar música (sou tecladista) e já fiz algumas trilhas e coisas bem interessantes e criativas.

Mas percebo que escrevendo a pleno, a entrega é total, todos os corpos funcionam a pleno.

E por vezes acontece de perceber que estou suando, correndo, escalando, o corpo todo agitado pelo que está se desenrolando através das palavras. Como sou muito calado, talvez seja esta a forma de compensação, quem sabe por isso a percepção ampliada no toque da energia.

Toque que pode ser pelo olhar, pelo som. Não é apenas a coisa física que me liga com as pessoas, é qualquer forma de contato, um cheiro, um som, uma paisagem, um tempo no relógio, uma folhagem que nos espia quietinha no seu canto, com cada folha, feito olhos de criança, curiosa.

Observar inteiramente uma planta é uma técnica de percepção muito interessante. Pratique um exercício de meditação para centrar-se e depois observe uma planta específica e com o tempo vai perceber que ela também nos olha. Chega um momento em que percebemos que todas as plantas nos olham, todas as árvores nos vêem. E elas vão saber que você percebe isto. Este é mais um dos tantos motivos pelos quais aprecio tanto ruas arborizadas! É uma troca.

Gosto da criatividade porque me deixa mais curioso. Vontade permanente de  crescer, de conhecer o novo. De ver as coisas sempre de uma maneira nova. De poder voltar aos lugares que gostamos, sabendo que sempre serão novos para nós. E de poder ir onde nunca estive antes e às vezes, poder ir onde ninguém esteve antes.

Gilberto Prabuddha

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