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sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2015

Blessing Psalter by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia

Blessing Psalter by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia

This is my edition of the Blessing Psalter by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia.

(Versão editada sobre o uso dos salmos para benção e oração de acordo com a Igreja Ortodoxa Grega.)

This is a prayer guide to use in your life.

The text is simple and nice, with the use of each of the psalms as a form of prayer/blessing according to Greek Orthodoxy.

Saint Arsenios used to use the Psalms for blessings, especially when there was no prescribed blessing for a particular occasion.

Free download here: Blessing Psalter
PDF hosted ad Google drive, no login needed. 

Note: The original non-formated plain text can be found anywhere at the web. I just did a new edition with formatting and minor corrections.

Copyright note: This edition is distributed for free. I searched a long time for the sources and the only material I found is the original editor's notice: 
The Saint Pachomius Orthodox Library
Translated for the St. Pachomius Library by Vassilios Kollias and edited by Karen Rae Keck.
This document is in the public domain. Copying it is encouraged.



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