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sábado, 4 de julho de 2015

Natural Magick

China Rose
By GJ-Vernon - United Kingdom

Natural Magick

See this photo?
A great image of life.
If you are looking into magick.
If you are doing the needed work to attain magick.
If you goes deep at the study and have find some good books.
At some time you must forget all that and just look into the nature.
This photo is something you must find.
Pure nature beaty.
This is what God created and you are part of it.
Natural magick is a main source for any area you are working with.
So, is correct to become a lover of live.
To find the nature power of life on what you are doing.
You may be working to make your tools, prepare a ritual.
But if you lack all nature, you have not started anything.
Do the magick work, but open your eyes to receive the gifts life have to you.
Otherwise, if you does not pay atention, you become just mechanics. 
Be with the nature.
Offer your sincere atention.
Your magick work will increase and the colors of life will be part of your soul.
This is magick on practice.

P+ 03/07/2015

PS : Sorry bad english.

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2015

Blessing Psalter by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia

Blessing Psalter by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia

This is my edition of the Blessing Psalter by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia.

(Versão editada sobre o uso dos salmos para benção e oração de acordo com a Igreja Ortodoxa Grega.)

This is a prayer guide to use in your life.

The text is simple and nice, with the use of each of the psalms as a form of prayer/blessing according to Greek Orthodoxy.

Saint Arsenios used to use the Psalms for blessings, especially when there was no prescribed blessing for a particular occasion.

Free download here: Blessing Psalter
PDF hosted ad Google drive, no login needed. 

Note: The original non-formated plain text can be found anywhere at the web. I just did a new edition with formatting and minor corrections.

Copyright note: This edition is distributed for free. I searched a long time for the sources and the only material I found is the original editor's notice: 
The Saint Pachomius Orthodox Library
Translated for the St. Pachomius Library by Vassilios Kollias and edited by Karen Rae Keck.
This document is in the public domain. Copying it is encouraged.



terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2015

New book: Ritual Offerings: Feeding Your Spirits, Empowering Your Magick

"Ritual Offerings: Feeding Your Spirits, Empowering Your Magick"
Edited by Aaron Leitch

Now Available, and with a text of mine too.

Spirits are not merely an option or tool to be utilized when the magician deems it necessary. Spirits are the very heart and soul of all magick. A consecrated talisman has a spirit attached to it that contributes to the talismans power, the incantations we use work because the spirits heard them and acted. We are not alone when cast cast our spells; our patrons and familiars are always present present casting the spells with us.

Throughout history, ritual offerings have been the central pillar of all magick and religion. Very often, a magickal ritual consists of nothing more than the making of a prescribed offering to a particular spirit in a specified time and place, yet here in the West, the making of an offering has been equated with the worship of the spirit receiving it. The act of offering a spirit something as payment for services rendered has a close association with the dreaded “pact with the Devil,” by which a magician surely sells his soul to damnation, but to the rest of the world an offering is intended to feed and empower a spiritual entity, and to pay it fairly for its aid.

The art of making proper offerings to the spirits is a complex one, rife with strict protocols and warnings, but if you take the time to learn this ancient and powerful art, it will supercharge your magick like nothing you’ve experienced before.

Strictly Limited to 900 numbered copies and filled with over 280 pages of essays and actual photos of author’s ritual altars, Ritual Offerings unites twelve practicing occultists who share their knowledge and experience with this fascinating and important subject. Traditions from around the world such as Solomonic magick, Tibetan Buddhism, New Orleans and Hatian Voudou, Western Hermetic Theurgy and more are discussed in great detail. Regardless of your tradition, Ritual Offerings will guide you in feeding your patrons and familiars safely and effectively and contribute to our overall success and growth as a practitioner.


  • Aaron Leitch: Introduction: Magickal Offerings in Western Occultism
  • Aaron Leitch: Liber Donariorum: the Book of Offerings
  • Zadkiel: The Elements of Making Offerings: The Offering as Sacrifice
  • Bryan Garner (Frater Ashen Chassan): Whispers from a Skull: Lessons in Spiritual Offerings from a Conjured Familiar
  • Brother Moloch: Ancestors & Offering
  • Frater Rufus Opus: The Back Yard Path toward the Summum Bonum
  • Denise M. Alvarado: Ritual Offerings in New Orleans Voudou
  • Jason Miller: Severed Head Cakes and Clouds of Dancing Girls: Offerings in Tibetan Buddhism
  • Nick Farrell: Offerings in Roman Deity Magic
  • Sam Webster, M.Div., Ph.D., founder OSOGD: Offerings in Iamblichan Theurgy
  • Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero: Ritual for the Declaration of Maa-Kheru
  • Gilberto Strapazon: Offerings in Ceremonial Magick and African Traditional Religions (Ideas and Practices: Risks and Influences of Integrating ATR)

Now, some comments about what I did here:

This book is a great news I'm sure.

I say my thanks to Aaron Leitch as he is an honorable man.

Is not enough to have a great power if there is no wisdom and the courage of a spiritual warrior to put it into practice.

Those with vision, will know what I mean because this is an unique and unprecedented work that had an immense occult battle to be published.

Nephilim Press editors certainly are part of it I am very grateful to them.

I wrote just about a very sensible discussion: the risks of mixing practices. 

And I wrote about things I never found published before, from a practitioner point of view.

We have great authors in this work, all renowned and respected.
Even if you do not like some of their line of work, especially mine, all others are certainly highly qualified and has a gigantic work.

I participated in this book along with other great authors and I'm sure that almost everything I've written, no ATR priest will tell you. 
Hardly anyone will talk about the problems you may get when mixing these practices.
At most I found some disguised sentence. 

It is a fifteen years learning of hard work, going to the bottom of rot and the black side of things and literally my own blood and immense personal losses. 

It is a sensible discussion, but is something people who is working serious on magick, as any one who become a client of any magicians services is searching for.  

Edited: Here's my post commenting more what and why I choosed this area and what you will found on my chapter. No need of blood, just good.


This is a comment from Brother Moloch about his contribution:

"See this book's cover? It's the book I submitted an essay for about Ancestors and Offerings. It's entitled "Ritual Offerings" and you can get it direct from Nephilim Press. Why should you get a copy? Well aside from yours truly's impressive missive in it, there are several other authors whose contributions you should know about as well. Order a copy. Read it. Study my section and learn how to get on your Ancestor's good side as well as how to work with them. Thereby amping up your sorcery and magic.

Trust me, I get $0 from this in royalties. In fact none of us make a dime from this except that old-skin-flint-stingy-bastard Aaron Leitch. Still it's going to be a legendary resource - the first of its kind. Oh yes there will be Johnny- Come-Latelies who will try to recreate what we do but we got there first and we set the stage. Nothing like being original. Emoticon smile

And seriously, screw all that Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria and McWiccan crap you see online about offerings and ancestors because it's all crap. If you are serious about wanting to know how to work with spirits of the land where you live, it's in here; if you want to know how to make offerings to spirits in Cermeonial Magick, it's in here; if you're interested in making offerings in the New Orleans Voodoo path, it's in here; if you want to know how I do it and how I teach my clients and students, like Ragu, it's in here.

The way I see it, you got two choices: 1. Continue on as you are and read from silly books and shitty misinformed websites on how to make offerings by people who were either only half-trained or never trained at all OR 2. Buy this book and learn how it's properly done. If I were you, I'd go with number 2 because it is much simpler and more reliable.

Brother Moloch 9.: 6.: 9.: . April, 11, 2015

The book is available at:  Nephilim Press
